The mid-1960s cultural phenomenon known as “The British Invasion” refers to the sudden and ubiquitous popularity of British rock and roll among the American youth of the time. The catalog of music created by these artists - including The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, and The Kinks among others - propelled Rock & Roll music to the mainstream of cultural relevance where it remains to this day. The British Invasion bands took inspiration from Blues, Folk, and early Rock & Roll and combined these influences in an exciting way that can teach both our students and audiences the foundation of modern pop and rock music. British Invasion is a prime show choice for all instruments and experience levels to learn the foundations of Rock music, and especially perfect for emerging players who are looking to take the next step in widening their musical repertoire. Some notable song selections may include The Beatles’ “Twist And Shout”, The Kinks’ “You Really Got Me”, and The Yardbirds’ “For Your Love”.