When learning to play a musical instrument, there are more tools available than ever before. Method books can help with the fundamental skills and music theory a budding musician needs, while transcriptions can help make practice fun by allowing a student to learn their favorite songs in the process.
The School of Rock has teamed up with Hal Leonard publishing and Match My Sound to create the School of Rock Method App. The Method App contains hundreds of exercises from the School of Rock Method books as well as a digital sheet music library containing transcriptions to over 1000 Rock songs.
Why Should Students Use Digital Sheet Music?

Music education apps and theory apps are a great tool that can help motivate students to practice more outside of structured lessons. These apps can also provide accurate transcriptions and direct links to digital sheet music such as Sheet Music Direct.
These resources help students learn their favorite songs more quickly and make it easier for the student to build a true connection to their instrument.
Digital sheet music allows beginners to start slow and increase the speed as they gain confidence and skill.
1. Digital sheet music is fun and interactive
The School of Rock Method App is an interactive tool that makes learning fun. Students can play along with their favorite songs and exercises. Specific parts of a song can be looped to allow the student to work on the section of a song they find most challenging.
Adjust the tempo as you practice
In addition to looping sections of songs, you can also adjust the tempo of the songs and exercises to speed up or slow down as needed. This function allows beginners to start slow and increase the speed as they gain confidence and skill.
2. You get instant feedback
Up until now, when students learned an instrument they had no way to gauge their progress outside of the time spent in lessons with a music teacher. The School of Rock Method App features technology that will actually “listen” to the students’ performance and score how accurately they were able to play the parts.
Immediately See where you made mistakes
Using digital sheet music, it even shows exactly where any mistakes were made. This gives the students instant feedback on what they are doing well and what they need to improve upon.
Songs and exercises can be assigned in the Method App with specific tempo and accuracy goals. Instructors can then mark assignments as complete and provide comments as well.
Get realtime performance feedback
You don't have to practice playing on your own. With the School of Rock Method app, you can get live feedback as you play to make practice smarter, not harder.
Check out the School of Rock Method3. Students’ progress can be tracked
The School of Rock Method App is extremely useful for parents, too! As a student receives assignments from their School of Rock instructor, the Method App provides parents with full visibility to the assignments as well as the student’s progress. The app will record how many attempts were made to complete each assignment.
This keeps the students accountable to themselves as well as their parents and instructors. It also insures that they are meeting goals and prepared to fully participate and enjoy the group rehearsals that make School of Rock so much fun.
4. Digital sheet music is more convenient than paper
Digital sheet music readers and sheet music apps are far more convenient than traditional printed sheet music. No more lost or misplaced materials or messy stacks of printed or purchased sheet music.
Access online sheet music from your phone
Another plus is these digital transcriptions go wherever you are and are accessible from virtually any device, laptop or desktop computer. It is also much easier to keep track of any assignments as they are always available in the app, with the assignment and its associated sheet music always linked.
5. Digital sheet music is better for the environment
Another benefit of using digital transcriptions is the positive effect it has on our environment. On average, each American uses around seven trees per year in paper products. Going “paperless” can help minimize the environmental impact of using so much paper for sheet music that can now be easily accessed in digital format.
Pro tip: Take your sheet music with you wherever you go
Since the material can live inside our devices, you will never lose or be without your songs, no matter how many you accumulate over the years. With the School of Rock Method App and Sheet Music Direct there is no longer the need to wastefully print out transcriptions or ever be without them.
6. Expansive online sheet music libraries give students access to more songs than ever before
The School of Rock Method App puts 1000+ songs directly in the hands of the students,and this library alone can take a young musician from beginner to seasoned performer.
In addition, students can use the app for sheet music access, and easily access thousands more songs through Sheet Music Direct. Songs are easily searchable and cover virtually every style of Rock music. So there is sure to be something to challenge and motivate music students of all levels.
Digital sheet music makes songs searchable and covers virtually every style of Rock music.
Looking for digital sheet music?
Having accurate, legitimate transcriptions makes learning an instrument much easier and more fun. The partnership between School of Rock and Hal Leonard is a game changer in music education apps, and combines access to sheet music with the tools needed to play increasingly complex songs and grow as a musician.
This technology provides students, music teachers, and parents with everything they need to take the stage with confidence.
Interested? Sign up for a free trial to find out why School of Rock is the top music education school in the world.